Chute Cleaning & Repair

Garbage chutes are an incredibly effective tool for managing trash in an efficient, reliable manner. They’re simple and powerful, and they allow buildings and groups to keep areas clean while safely managing trash as it accumulates.
They also collect a lot of gunk and stink, and left alone, they can be a problem. You don’t want your chute to be a breeding ground for dangerous microbes. You also don’t want it to stink up the place. Most importantly, you don’t want it to fail unexpectedly and create a sudden, dramatic trash problem.
Chute cleaning and repair services solve all of these issues at the same time.
Chute sanitization is important for improving the health of your trash chute and expanding its lifespan. It’s also essential for quality of life. Our cleaning and repair services start with sanitization. Using hot, high pressure water, we remove grease, debris, and bacteria to sanitize the chute and ensure it runs smoothly..
From there, we utilize our proprietary product, Frog Foam. This eliminates and prevents buildup of grease and residues to create a substantially cleaner shoot, and neutralizes odors.
By the end of the process, your chute isn’t just clear; it’s clean, safe, smelling great, and ready for plenty more use.
Preventative Maintenance
Once the chute is cleaned and cleared, we can carefully inspect it. We’ll go over it for signs of disrepair and emerging problems. This allows us to apply specific repairs that improve functionality and longevity at the same time, making chute repair easier and more effective.
If more involved intervention is needed, we can set up a plan to repair and engineer a solution that works for you. This combination of maintenance and cleaning will get the chute back to zero and get your building back to its daily load. You’ll have confidence knowing that it will perform at peak performance, and will be cleaner and safer for your residents.
Get Help Today
Green Garbology’s expert technicians will clean and maintain your trash chutes with the highest of care. Schedule your regular trash chute sanitization annually, bi-annually, quarterly, or as needed.
Contact us today and we’ll help you find an affordable, reliable way to take care of trash.